
Education Programs: L'École des Rêves

Théâtre du Rêve's newly christened educational programming offers a variety of options for students and teachers alike:

Student Matinees
For each show in our season, we schedule several 10am performances that are perfect for school groups. All programs are $10 per student and include study guides and a post-show discussion with the cast. This season, join us for: Vive La Fontaine!: October 15, 16, 20, 21, 22 at 10am at Horizon Theatre L'Acteur Sacrifiant: January 14, 15, 20, 21 at 10am at the Performing Arts Studio, Emory University

A Staged Reading Workshop for Foreign Language Teachers
On the campus of Oglethorpe University
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Please join the dynamic team at Théâtre du Rêve for a five-hour workshop on staged readings and reader's theatre. TdR actress and Education Director Carolyn Cook will show you how to put together scenes, or a whole play, for classroom study or full performance. This is about getting students on their feet, with script in hand, to bring a play or other work of literature to life. It's open to teachers of any foreign language. The workshop will be conducted primarily in English.

Professors Jay Lutz and Mario Chandler will be on hand to talk about how they co-teach a French/Spanish Lit course (with great success), and students will perform a scene from Aimé Césaire's "A Tempest", which Cook directed as a staged reading at Oglethorpe last year.

Tuition for the day, including lunch, is $100. For more information, or to register, please contact Carolyn Cook, TdRcontact@gmail.com.

TdR's workshops have become increasingly popular for both teacher training and direct in-classroom interaction. We are eager to meet the needs of foreign-language and drama teachers alike, and are open to suggestions for new workshops to be developed. Our current offerings: -"Using Drama as a Tool in the Foreign-Language Classroom," a hands-on workshop for teachers or students. -"Discovering the Fables," a post-performance Vive La Fontaine! experience. Get up-close and personal with the fables the way the cast has, experimenting with different story-telling and language techniques.

To book student matinees or workshops, contact Carolyn Cook, Education Director, at TdRcontact@gmail.com.

TdR at the High
We partner once again with the High Museum of Art to present "Genius at Work," a companion theatrical piece to the Leonardo DaVinci exhibit. Friday mornings, Oct 2009 - Feb 2010 in the Hill Auditorium. Visit the High's education page for more information and booking.